currently drinking milo and peeling beetroot and my hands are all stained. i love it.
anyway this is just some stuff that i have completed or am working on, the pants i just made recently for myself and for grace, and made them to sell at a market stall i had with laura a couple of weekends ago. which was very successful might i add, i made 250 dollars, which is a good effort for me. however, people only bought all my hideous old stuff and no one even looked twice at the garments i had slaved over [the night before].
what do they say? find your niche. and work with that.
whats my niche? anyway- jacket and pants i designed and made, plus the skirt- dont know if you can see it. and there are some shots of my messy studio. i just thought id include those for inspiration to clean it.
jacket is made of beautiful lamb skin and i special ordered the colour, its padded out in the areas of the essential organs, because i wanted to create something that would increase my chances of survival in the canadian winter hahaha also its my first experience with leather which is why its a bit dodge but i'm going to get better.
i do want to get a photographer to take some real shots of my stuff so if you know anyone, tell them to contact me...

also i need a new haircut and colour. ill post some inspiration soon, any suggestions? and also if your wondering, yes, i am going to start blogging all the time as a distraction to my tiresome call centre life.